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Fair Comment

Who's to say what's fair?

Welcome to our blog!  Many times, that responsibility falls to an Ombuds (aka. Ombudsperson, Ombudsman).  An Ombuds is a centuries-old role, which still retains an air of mystery despite world-wide integration within government, universities and colleges, and the private sector. Ombuds live and breathe conflict resolution every day – using training and experience to identify individual and systemic unfairness and playing a critical role in helping institutions to live up to standards of fairness in how policies are applied, how decisions are made, and how people feel they are being treated. Committed to the principles of independence, impartiality, and confidentiality, ombuds work to resolve current complaints and prevent future unfairness.

In our blog Fair Comment, we will share our thoughts on fairness and the ombuds profession and invite you to add your own insights.  We come at this from theoretical, practical, and philosophical angles, with an enthusiasm for open dialogue about the joys and challenges of working in the field of fair play.  In our first series, Heather examines the ways that academic ombuds provide value to their institutions.  

Brent, Heather, & Julie

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Valuing Ombuds 2: Standards of Practice & Ombuds Essential Elements

EN | 2 min Ombuds adhere to professional standards of practice (ACCUO Standards of Practice: independent, impartial, confidential, accessible; IOA Standards of Practice: independent, impartial/neutral, confidential, informal). One way to…

Valuing Ombuds 1: The challenge

EN | 2 min Ombuds provide a high-value service within universities and colleges. While value has been a topic of conversation among higher education ombuds for a long time, as…