Fair Comment
Who’s to say what’s fair?
Welcome to our blog! Many times, that responsibility falls to an Ombuds (aka. Ombudsperson, Ombudsman). An Ombuds is a centuries-old role, which still retains an air of mystery despite world-wide integration within government, universities and colleges, and the private sector. Ombuds live and breathe conflict resolution every day – using training and experience to identify individual and systemic unfairness and playing a critical role in helping institutions to live up to standards of fairness in how policies are applied, how decisions are made, and how people feel they are being treated. Committed to the principles of independence, impartiality, and confidentiality, ombuds work to resolve current complaints and prevent future unfairness.
In our blog Fair Comment, we will share our thoughts on fairness and the ombuds profession and invite you to add your own insights. We come at this from theoretical, practical, and philosophical angles, with an enthusiasm for open dialogue about the joys and challenges of working in the field of fair play. In our first series, Heather examines the ways that academic ombuds provide value to their institutions.
Brent, Heather, & Julie

What complaints are trending in HE? Part 2
November 16, 2021
As we noted last week, ombuds play a key role in helping identify trends on campus and across higher education. In addition to COVID19-related complaints, we are observing a trend…

What complaints are trending in HE? Part 1
November 9, 2021
An important part of the work of a higher education ombuds is identifying trends, so individuals and institutions can actively take steps to prevent or manage key issues. Not surprisingly,…

Évitez le “Zoom fatigue”! Ombudsman (Ombuds) et médiateur
Julie Boncompain
October 21, 2021
“Zoom fatigue” = l’épuisement professionnel lié à la surutilisation des plates-formes de visioconférence. Votre cerveau s’embrouille lors d’une énième visioconférence. Vous ne suivez plus la conversation de vos clients, ne…

The right advertising for a “when things go wrong” service
October 14, 2021
By mid-October the excitement of back-to-campus 2021 orientation events has faded and mid-terms are approaching. Now is the right time to get students thinking about where to get support for…

La rencontre des Ombuds/ Where ombuds meet
Julie Boncompain
October 1, 2021
ENOHE / AOUCC Conference virtuelle du 21 et 22 septembre 2021 La conférence virtuelle de ENOHE /AOUCC a su regrouper des ombudsman des quatre coins du monde en leur proposant…

Valuing Ombuds 3: What do HE institutions value?
Heather McGhee Peggs
September 18, 2021
September 2021 For this post, I looked for examples of institutional responses to annual reports that might refer to any of the ombuds standards of practice (independent, impartial/neutral, confidential, accessible,…