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Fair, Equitable, Collaborative

We help institutions, organisations, and associations manage conflicts and complaints. People, processes, policies – we understand the importance of fair, equitable, and sustainable solutions.

Our Services

Independent Evaluations
An external review can help identify opportunities to strengthen existing complaints processes, or build capacity to resolve disputes earlier and more effectively.
Ombuds Services
Confidential, impartial, fair, and independent ombuds services at appropriate scale (part-time, fractional, temporary, outsourced, full-time), to manage individual and systemic issues.
Strategic advising on moving forward after a workplace incident, customized training to prevent future issues, or building an in-house ombuds service , we find the right solutions for the right problems.
Mediation and more
Resolving complex issues with a focus on fairness, equity, respect and restoration. Services include: conflict coaching, workplace investigations, mediation, neutral interventions, and facilitation.

About Us


Julie Boncompain
B.A., LL.B.

Brent Epperson
M.P.A., Ph.D.

Heather McGhee Peggs
B.A., LL.B.

Since 2020 we have been providing clients with a wide range of customised conflict management solutions and helping to cultivate fair, inclusive, equitable, and respectful spaces. We are ombuds with expertise in a range of ADR (appropriate dispute resolution)approaches (e.g. mediation, restorative practices, shuttle diplomacy, and fairness investigations). Some of our past/present clients include: CPA Canada, the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance (CSIA) and CISSS (Quebec – Centres intégrés de santé et de services sociaux).

Our accessible services are available in French and English. Email us to arrange a free initial consultation.

Please do not provide confidential details about any issues over email.

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Copyright Justequitable, 2024